Epcon’s Technologies is the Bridge Success

Epcon has been in the business of manufacturing, selling, and developing patented technologies relevant to recuperative thermal oxidizers and regenerative thermal oxidizers since 1977, long before Climate Change was widely accepted corporate agenda. But as environmental concerns within ESGs reporting have steadily been mounting, so have the efficiency of technologies our oxidizers and pollution abatement systems. 

Our systems rely upon the concept of a chemical reaction – one involving organic hydrocarbons being processed. In this oxidation process, the volatile organic compounds and pollutants within the air stream – are broken down from their original constituents and reformed into new compounds. Heat and oxygen are used to breakdown the hydrocarbons, thus the term Thermal Oxidation.

In deciding how to best apply one of our state-of-the-art Thermal Oxidizers into an existing industrial process, complex factors such as volumetric flow, volatile organic compound loading, and concentrations of other inorganic contamination must be determined. Beyond the basic criteria, new problems in the creative minimization of VOCs can be considered, and in fact, are actively being sought.  Our DRE rates are some of the highest in the industry not only for VOCs, but for a myriad of HAPs (hazardous air pollutants) and odors as well.

Ingenious adaptations of our technologies have already made power generation more feasible in several different types of industrial plants, as by-products have moved into the forefront. With the myriad of innovations in the carbon capture and sequestration, Epcon’s technology can be gateway to success. In the case of Climate Change, the sky is no limit, it's the vehicle of our imaginations.


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