A Detailed Account of Catalytic Oxidizers &Their Benefits

 Thermal Oxidizers can be configured as either Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs), Recuperative Thermal Oxidizers), or Direct Fired Thermal Oxidizers (DFTOs) and Catalytic Oxidizers. All of which utilize the same operating principle – Oxidization -- to destroy toxic Volatile Organic Compounds.

All thermal oxidizers convert process exhaust stream VOCs into harmless amounts of carbon dioxide, water, and thermal energy that can be safely discharged to the atmosphere. A Catalytic Oxidizer is distinguished by a chemical reaction between the VOC hydrocarbon molecules and a precious-metal catalyst bed that is internal to the oxidizer system.

How does it work?

A catalyst is a substance used to accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction, allowing the oxidation process to occur at a much lower temperature. For example, a catalytic oxidizer operating 370 to 480 °C (700 to 900 °F) range can achieve the same efficiency as a thermal oxidizer operating between 700 and 820 °C (1300 and 1500 °F) which can result in fuel savings of 40 - 60%. The catalytic cell is heated to a specified temperature where an exothermic reaction enables the expedited destruction or break down of the hydrocarbons.

Within the Thermal Oxidizer, a control system automatically unlocks the process, energizes the blowers, and purges the system with fresh air prior to igniting the burner and bringing the system up to its optimum operating temperature. Once heated, the air stream laden with VOCs enters the oxidizer's mixing chamber to insure temperature uniformity. 

Treated over a customized metal catalyst, the VOCs are transformed into carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. This process of catalytic oxidation is totally harmless, and the derivative exhaust are either directly released into the atmosphere or can be recycled back into the process operations, recovering the energy (heat), further reducing operating fuel demands.


Advantages of a catalytic oxidizer

Use of catalytic oxidizers can result in lower operational costs than traditional thermal oxidation processes.

·         ENERGY EFFICIENT: the addition of a catalyst can lower the heat needed to reach the right temperature needed for proper VOC oxidation.

·         COST EFFECTIVE: the use of a catalyst can save a lot of money on operating fuel cost.

·         HIGH DRE: The destruction rate efficiency (DRE) of a catalytic system can be designed to achieve 95%+.

·         SAFER EXHAUSTS: The lower operating temperatures also means lower exit temperatures for the clean exhausts stream.


When to Choose an Epcon Catalytic Oxidizer?

Catalytic Oxidizers are an ideal air pollution control option in applications that have consistent process stream and VOC concentrations. When combined with a low VOC loading level from the process stream, the system becomes self-sustaining – requiring minimal natural gas to sustain operation. You can customize your catalytic oxidizer as per the needs and requirements of your unique operations and process flow. Epcon custom designs systems to accept various selections of catalyst. Our in-house catalyst expert can determine the appropriate catalyst and design a system customized around the unique process stream pollutants and overall application. Epcon manufactures and delivers the best-quality catalytic oxidizers at affordable prices to suit various process exhaust streams.


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