The Impact of Thermal Oxidizer Sizing on Melt-System Capacity

It is important to understand rate-limiting factors when sizing a secondary aluminum-recovery system. Driven by new regulations as well as consumer performance requirements, the demand for cast, extruded and machined aluminum parts has increased globally. Aluminum parts producers are looking to metals-recovery systems to control the costs of primary and secondary aluminum purchases and to mitigate operating costs by capturing value from byproducts. Understanding the true rate-limiting factors when configuring and sizing a metals-recovery system is critical to realizing the full potential of the system. Additionally, managing energy within the system will have a large impact on the operating costs and uptime/maintainability of the system. Historically, parts producers have focused on dryer and melt-furnace capacities as the rate-limiting factor when sizing the system. The practical reality is that vent-stream emissions may be the real rate-limiting factor controlling your overall...